Join the Lab

Undergraduate students

I will host students through organized programs at ODU, such as the LEAP Work-Study Program.

Graduate students

If you are interested in physical oceanography, ocean biogeochemistry and phytoplankton ecology, numerical modeling and/or developing new techniques for making biogeochemical and ecological observations across ocean eddies and fronts, you may be a good fit in the lab. Generally, we look for students who have a background in Physics, Engineering, Biology, Oceanography or a closely related area and have taken classes that might include: physics, biology, statistics, calculus, computer and/or data science. However, if you come from a non-traditional background, please don’t let this list stop you from getting in touch.

Prospective graduate students should apply to the ODU Ocean and Earth science graduate program.

If you are interested in applying and think that our research sounds interesting, please get in touch.


If you are interested in joining the lab please contact me directly with your research interests.